Beyond Sex Why People Attend Sex Parties
Author: Chulyukova Ekaterina Reading Time: 2 minutes Pictures Beyond Sex: Why People Attend Sex Parties While it’s widely understood that sex parties are places where one can engage in sexual activities, it’s not commonly known that participation in sex is not mandatory. Here are a few other reasons that draw people to these events. Atmosphere […]
BDSM 002 Topic A study of BDSM as a phenomenon, psychology and its practices Author Ustyuzhanina Alina Valerievna Alternative titles “Exploring BDSM: Understanding, Practice and Psychology” “Safety and Consent: BDSM Basics for Beginners”. “A Guide to the World of BDSM: From Fantasy to Reality.” “From Theory to Practice: How to Start Your BDSM Journey” Reading […]
Ancient Rus burial orgies
Written by: Li Olga Translated by: Anastasia Zhurina Reading time: 10 min Shocking practices of the ancient Rus: ritual orgies at funerals “ To know your present and predict your future you must know your past.” V.G. Belinsky “Funeral orgies”. Personally, I have never heard of such strange and mystic term. Turns out ancient […]
Оргии и ритуалы в у древних Шумер Священные обряды и плотские утехи
Оргии и ритуалы в у древних Шумер: Священные обряды и плотские утехи Древнее Междуречье, находящееся между реками Тигр и Евфрат, было местом, где религия и повседневная жизнь были тесно переплетены. Проституция и оргии занимали в этом обществе важное место и играли не только роль физического удовлетворения, но и были частью сложных религиозных ритуалов и обрядов, […]